Semana 49: Welcome to Xalapa

Alaaaaa onda!! What a week! This has easily been one of my hardest working weeks in the mission thus far. It was a huge breath of fresh air after my long last transfer in Petromex! Last Pday, my companion and I stopped by all of my converts and favorite members' houses to say goodbye, give hugs, and take pictures. It was a really fun and wholesome day because I've developed a lot of very strong relationships with the investigators and members over there. I am going to miss them so much! Best Zona everrr Hermana Martina Yolia Familia Calderón Hno Jorge y Familia Fernanda Blanca Familia Torres Lea Mi Casa Jose Luis Familia Mejía Tuesday was a pretty wild day to be honest. Early in the morning we went to the bus station for transfers and we almost missed our bus because some hooligans got there late and we had to wait for them because we had their tickets. After a long 6 hour bus ride, we finally got to Xalapa where I met my companion and ultimate legend, Elder Guerrero, who is o...