Hellooooo amazing friends and family! I hope you all are doing well! I don't know how many of you still read these weekly but if you are, shoot me a message or email! I have to say, I have been super lazy with my email writing this transfer so please forgive me if I still haven't responded to you, I'll get around to it... eventually :)
First off, I must say that even though my mission is crazy apostate (working on it), we definitely know how to have fun and make the most out of any situation! On Pday, we drove to a nearby city where a member owns an indoor trampoline park, we had the entire complex to ourselves and it was completely free! I'm almost positive that trampoline parks are against the standards but my mission president approved it so why not make the most of it, right?
Coming home from the trampoline park was quite the experience... we almost died. Like multiple times. I think it is safe to say that our taxi driver was 110% under the influence. The man smoked 3 whole cigarettes during the 20 minute drive and there were beer cans on the passenger side. Just about all the taxis here in Poza Rica are Nissans from the mid 90's with 500,000+ miles on them. All the taxis are manual. We were driving and everything was normal until the driver drove over a pothole and I smacked my head on the dashboard (luckily my backpack cushioned it haha). After that incident all heck broke loose and this man was driving 100 miles per hour on a two lane road passing cars like crazy. We came 100 feet from a head on collision with a bus. One time I looked over at the driver as we were going 100 mph and the man was knocked cold asleep. I thought he was dead. I had to literally shake this man to wake him up so he didn't kill us. Goodness gracious that was the longest 20 minute drive of my life.
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