Semana 36: Petro 4 Life

Hello everyone!! I hope y'all are doing well!! She thinks the missionaries are her dad We learned how to make tamales at Hermana Carla's house (a member) and it was actually pretty fun!! I learned a ton of bad words this week... from a member. The bruthas We got a taste of incest in Mexico when we found out two of our investigators, the mother and the son, ARE PARTNERS. The saddest part is that they are probably our most elect investigators at the moment and the Law of Chastity is gonna be a real awkward lesson. Buena Suerte Elder Alfaro This guy we are teaching easily passes off as one of the strangest investigators I have ever encountered. He should be baptized by now. He literally sends us our own mormon message videos and general conference talks to read and listen to. He then goes on a deep and profound analysis of these talks and testifies of the words of the prophets. His WhatsApp photo is a painting of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery when they were visited by Elijah ...