Semana 13: Message of the Century!!
Hello my favorite people! I want to start off by saying that we have the AMAZING opportunity to listen to our prophet speak to the entire world! He is sharing a message of hope and healing because the world really needs it during these trying times. It is this Friday, November 20th, 2020 from 11-11:15 am MST. Spread the word to all of your non-member and member friends! This is going to be such a great missionary opportunity. What a miracle it is to be able to hear from our prophet outside of general conference! Love you!
Carb day, yum
This week has been phenomenal!! So many gosh dang miracles holla! We found FOUR new friends and they are all so elect! We are planning on putting three of them on date this next week and I am so so excited! We are starting to see some crazy changes here in Norwich. The first person we contacted was a woman named Bobbie and we found her through a phonebook. She told us that she had attended our church before like 30 years ago for a good 8 months or so. The members there were pressuring her and her boyfriend to get married so they could be baptized and they didn't like that so they stopped coming. We were able to meet her in person and drop off a Book of Mormon and she is such a believer. She is struggling a little with priesthood authority right now and she asked if her baptism from another church was void or not and we were freaking out because that is the same question this investigator in The District asks to the missionaries and he stopped meeting with the missionaries after. So we tried to explain in the least offensive way possible and we could tell it was hard for her to hear. She told us she would pray very hard about it and continue to meet with us. We hope the Spirit will guide her to what is right. Everyone pray for Bobbie!!!
We found this other woman named Rachel and she is a miracle! She told us a story about how when she was 3 years old, her 3 story house exploded and collapsed under her and her family. She was pulled out of the clutter with no cuts, bruises, or scratches. She willingly listened to our lessons and when we told her the account of the First Vision, we could tell she was crying over the phone and felt the Spirit. She told us she had a lot to work on and she was so grateful that we stumbled upon her. We invited her to church and she said yes! She asked for the address and what she should wear and she seemed so thrilled. Sadly, we got a call from her the next day and she got really sick so she couldn't come :( but the fact that she called us to let us know is a sign that she is elect and she does care!
We spoke with this man who was born in Bethlehem and he was so nice and wanted to learn more about our belief in Christ. He was super talkative and he taught us a lot of things too! Apparently he didn't live in our area so we had to refer him off but we know he is in good hands because the New York, Syracuse mission is the best!
Guess Who?
Alma 36:21
"Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy"
Happy 20th birthday to the man!
This is Alma the Younger speaking to his son Helaman about his experience with the sons of Mosiah when an angel appeared to them and asked them why they were persecuting the church. He told his son that the guilt he felt was so exquisite that he was horrified at the thought of standing before God after the many hearts he led away. He goes on by saying that there was "nothing so exquisite as was his joy". I know that the only way from exquisite guilt to exquisite joy is through the Atonement of Jesus Christ! God loves all of His children and he invites all to come unto Him with a broken heart and contrite spirit and through Christ, you can be made whole. I know this to be true and it is such a blessing to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and to help gather Israel!
Love you all! Feel free to shoot me an email I'd love to hear from all of you! Take care and have a safe week!
-Elder Scown
Couldn't figure out how to input texts on the tiny phone so this is the best I could do
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