Semana 31: Holy Heat

So I got transferred... again and it has been great so far! My area, Poza Rica is a little more remote and far from the city center so it prevents me from impulse spending and blowing through all of my MSF in 3 days so that's been a plus. Crab Allow me to describe my area in 6 words: bloody freaking hot with steep hills. Bonfire Baby Yeah I've decided that I am never EVER complaining about Arizona heat for as long as I live. It was 106 degrees with 80 some odd percent humidity and I was ready to dig my deathbed. With hills... ugh brutal. A huge miracle/blessing is that this apartment has air conditioning so that was a big answer to my prayers. Coco 👀 It's that time of the year where Khaki pants are a no go and I learned that the hard way. The difference in skin tone kills me haha . After 5 days of being here, gun shots are just a normal sound you hear every once in a while. Mijo One of my favorite members in this ward has a pet goose and every time you shout his ...