Semana 23: How to Make a Grown Man Almost Poop his Pants

Hellooooo friends and family! I sure hope you all are having a STUPENDOUS week!! I sure did! We actually got a lot of good things accomplished and I cannot wait to tell you about it. AwWwWW First off you are probably wondering how to actually make a grown man almost poop his pants and trust me, I have discovered two ways this week... The first one is quite simple. You need 4 different variables to make this all possible 1. Narrow Alley 2. Darkness 3. Small Fence 4. Big Dog That is right, I was walking down this dark alley at night with my companion and out of nowhere this massive dog just launched himself at me and scared the absolute schniz outta me. I booked it out of there and kinda left my companion for dead. He made it out alive too but man the only thing I was thinking at that moment was "All I gotta do is out run my companion", which was not hard to do at all (subtle roast). The dogs here are absolutely insane, they have that crackhead/possessed by a devil energy for r...