Semana 4

Hola a todos!!! It is absolutely insane that I am already ONE MONTH into the mission! Where did the time go?? I am absolutely loving every second of it and I am so eager to go out and finally teach some real people!! Sorry I didn't write an email last week nothing crazy really happened so I just sent the link to my farewell! Thank you to everyone who listened to my farewell and sent me really nice texts. It truly meant so much to me!! These past two weeks consisted of the same 7 hours worth of classes and teaching TRCs and fake "investigators". I guess you can say my district and I have started to get a little restless and we have all just about reached that point in the MTC where we just want to get out and go teach. I'm definitely going to need to stay very disciplined these next couple of weeks haha! I feel like I have learned enough Spanish to get around but maybe that's just my arrogance talking. My farewell talk went amazing! It was one of the first times I really felt the Spirit speaking th
rough me and that was so humbling. 

Jaxson's Farewell Talk 9/16/2020

I got my temple date!! I am going this Saturday at 6:30pm! I am so beyond thrilled to finally have the opportunity to go through. The anticipation of whether or not I was going to get in was driving me a little crazy but nothing I couldn't handle! 2020 has definitely taught me to not worry about things I can't control. I'm really trying to take what Elder Zimmerman said to heart and know that "Nothing good comes from a bad attitude". See the best in people before you are quick to judge them. Everyone lives their lives differently than you do. Doesn't mean that it is wrong. Some random RM came up to me yesterday and was asking me about the mission and he said something that really spoke to me and that I needed to hear... he said, "There is more than just one way to live the gospel and that is something you need to understand before you step on that plane". That was such a true and powerful statement. Judging someone for feeling connected to God and Jesus Christ in a different way is not right. Luke 6:37 says,"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:" 

Remnants of Elder Zimmerman's apartment in Oregon

Anyways I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week! Good luck to everyone back in school, you guys are going to kill it! Stay safe out there! Also keep everyone who has lost their homes due to the hurricanes and the fires in your prayers! Our country needs all the help it can get right now.  I am so beyond blessed to be a part of this church to have the knowledge, means and resources to help people all over the world! I invite you to find small ways to serve people around you. You truly don't know the effect it has on them. God bless!

-Elder Scown

Elder Johnston and I enjoying dinner at Backyard Taco paid for by another awesome member taking care of the missionaries.  People are so kind. 

My companion Elder Johnston and me after my talk. 


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