Semana 90: I'm Alive

HELLOO!! Thanks to being so busy and a lack of desire to write weekly emails these past 2 months, y'all have missed out on some pretty entertaining stuff. Tough... wouldn't wanna be ya. Jk Here's a recap... Guapetón I just started my 3rd transfer in Los Lagos. I have a new companion named Elder Robertson who was in my MTC district. It's amazing to see how much we've changed in almost 2 years. He is from Canada and we get along really well. Also, he's my first companion that is not Mexican so I am pretty excited for that. Elder Robertson Over the past 6 weeks, we helped 6 new people come to Christ by making lifelong covenants with Him through baptism. Iaan, Andrea, Elodia, Rosa, Sarahi, and Julio Cesar are amazing converts and have an incredible desire to come closer to Christ. Over these weeks, 3 converts of mine received the priesthood and a couple is preparing to go through the temple! The gospel really changes lives! Baptism de Elodia Bautismo Iaan y Andrea!!...