Semana 27: Watch Out for Hanging Wires

Have you all heard of the traditional Mexican tortilla slap? Well, in Mexico, if you grab a thick, juicy corn (or flour) tortilla and slap it on someone's face, it is a huge sign of respect and trust. So next time you are at the dinner table with your parents, be sure to give them a big ole tortilla slap to the face. Then email back and tell me how it went! #vivaMexico :) The Compa In Mexico, members are just built different. Here are some examples: Member #1's House Me: *sharing a bomb scripture* *Members boyfriend calls* Member: *picks up* Give me a second I am talking to a cult right now Me:*???* Elder, did she say what I think she just said Elder Gregorio: *subtle nod* Member #2's House Elder Gregorio: So what is new with you? Member: *sticks out her tongue* I pierced my tongue Me: Oh wow Member: Yeah it hurts really bad I haven't eaten in 15 days Me: *???* Well you need to eat or you will die Member: Yeah I don't know why I did it, it sounded fun in the momen...