Semana 10: Cast Out Devils?

Hey y'all!! This week has been an absolute rollercoaster of emotions! Definitely the hardest week being a missionary thus far! But I am so grateful for my reliance on the Lord to help me get through this week and the weeks to come! Despite it being a really hard week I was able to learn a lot of lessons and ways to better cope with stress. That I am extremely grateful for. I've needed to heavily rely on prayer this week and it has brought me so much closer to Christ and my Heavenly Father. Anyways, we didn't have many lessons this week which is probably why it was so longggg ahah! We spent most hours of the day just finding people over the phone making hundreds of calls a day. We had a pretty successful week and were able to get 8 return appointments!! 6 of those 9 are now in our teaching pool as new friends and that is absolutely INSANE! The weeks prior we were lucky to get two. Miracles are happening all over in the Syracuse mission and we even got attention from Preside...